JADER Ltd – A Not Not for Profit with an Ethos – A UEA Story

Where the magic transfers to you.

JADER Ltd – A Not Not for Profit with an Ethos – A UEA Story

A while ago I went to a UEA Global gathering one chilly September in the Red Lion in Norwich, where I met peers both before and after my Time at UEA in 1987 and 2003.

I met a woman called Barbara Richards, married to Paul, both of whom were there. I became friends with her, meeting her, here and there. Mostly in Cafes in Bungay.

She got me an invite to a UEA Court where I was introduced to Peter Courridge who works at the UEA. I said my company JADER Ltd could help host an external site to the UEA site. It seems that the WordPress engine was unknown to the Administrator and facilitator who was to put the content onboard (Madi). So I offered to spend some time instructing her how to enter and design content.

I did and enjoyed parting with some knowledge, every two-hour session was worth it.

The University of Sanctuary (UoS) concept is a noble concept for those that may be nurtured to a helpful life of studious and beneficial work.

We, JADER Ltd and UEA UoS are parting company as the site is being brought into the main site of the University. I support this move as it makes the site safer for those that operate it and propagate it. It was more of a community interest idea helping with this site than an ROI concept. I am pleased I got to help my old University.

As we are nearing the end of our time working together, I wanted to email you to say a huge thank you on behalf of the whole university of sanctuary team for all your incredible work for the initiative. You have been so generous,  sharing your time, expertise and knowledge over many months. It has been so useful for the initiative to have a website to signpost people to throughout the last two years.

Madeleine Dutton, UEA University of Sanctuary, FPS-SSF

Wishing you well.

David Andrew Robertson, BSc (Hons), MSc, MBCS

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